Understanding the audience to reduce the cost of customer acquisition


  • Customer relationship
  • User experience
  • Interface design
  • Data analysis
  • Prototyping
  • User testing and research


  • Acquisition of new customers increased by 27%
  • Customer acquisition cost decreased by 32%
  • Satisfaction rating increased from 3.1 to 4.4 (On a scale of 1 to 5)
  • Organic traffic rose from 13% to 33% of total platform accesses

The project

The Ticket is a company within the Endenred group that offers payment solutions for specific purposes such as meal benefits, incentives (such as gift cards, employee engagement platforms), mobility (fuel, vehicle maintenance, tolls, parking, and regional transportation), as well as corporate payments.


Ticket was facing issues with the high customer acquisition cost (CAC), and due to its wide range of products and solutions, they needed their website homepage to effectively showcase their products, increasing the chances of potential customers staying in the flow until conversion.

Initial challenges

I began the project by delving deeper into the understanding of the issues outlined in the briefing, comprehending how they were interconnected and what challenges we would encounter. The conclusions were:

  • Product variety: One major strength of Ticket is its vast catalog of solutions to offer its clients. Over time, it became challenging to present them on their website. Each solution caters to different audiences and objectives, making it a challenge to define priorities and architect the information.

  • Same product, multiple customer profiles: In addition to the various products, Ticket has specific solutions for different profiles within each product. An example is the Ticket Alimentação, which is divided into 3 solutions:
    • For companies that provide benefits payments to their employees.
    • For employees who use the benefit from the company that contracted the service.
    • For establishments that adopt the card brand as a new form of payment.

  • High abandonment rate: In addition to the high cost of attracting new customers, we identified that new customers arriving at Ticket’s website were getting lost during the sales funnel stages and abandoning the flow before completion.

Engaging with the stakeholders

After gaining a better understanding of the problems and products, we gathered the key stakeholders to discuss the issues identified, the challenges each one brought, hypotheses, and what their priorities were at that moment. We left the meeting with some hypotheses:

  • To decrease CAC, we can invest in organic conversion: A good strategy would be to increase organic conversion by focusing on an SEO-first website structure, ensuring that customers enter the sales funnel through a simple internet search.

  • To efficiently present the products, it’s necessary to group them: Due to the quantity of products, if they weren’t organized in an intuitive and efficient manner, potential sales would be lost in the flow.

  • To increase the conversion rate, we need to focus on customer profiles: To increase the chances of the user reaching the end of the funnel, it would be necessary to separate the flows into profiles, ensuring that we focus on the pains and opportunities of each one.

Creation workshop

I prepared a workshop to define how we would address the problems, as each stakeholder had their own vision and priorities, leading to many conflicts. To solve this issue, I proposed a dynamic that unfolded as follows:

  1. Presentation of data and benchmarking: I presented all the data I had gathered, a study that included some of the competitors and the main pain points of the portal up to that point.

  2. Team separation: We formed three teams, bringing together stakeholders from different areas to ensure more comprehensive ideas.

  3. Introducing the dynamic: I proposed that each team should develop, in 20 minutes, wireframes (mobile and desktop) that considered the ideal solution for the problems that Ticket was facing.

  4. Wireframes presentation: I gave each team 5 minutes to present their solution and an additional 5 minutes for the other teams to discuss only the ideas they found interesting in the solution (this helped participants focus on what they agreed on rather than discussing differences).

  5. Combining ideas: To conclude, I proposed that the teams come together and create a solution that combined all the ideas they agreed on.

A new hypothesis

The hypothesis raised after the workshop was to create a “gateway” on Ticket’s website homepage, featuring content presenting solutions for each customer profile and to create focused “landing pages” for each of them.

This way, it would be possible to separate the content, making it clearer and more focused on each customer profile, increasing the chances of acquiring new customers and facilitating future testing.

Furthermore, this navigation architecture allowed us to have more pages and content, aiding in improving SEO, which would increase organic traffic.

Organizing the content

To kickstart the new information architecture, I conducted two rounds of Card Sorting: one with stakeholders and another with users.


The first round was with stakeholders and aimed to validate the existing content, allowing us to remove those that no longer made sense and add others that were missing.

In the round with the users, I conducted the dynamic with two individuals from each profile (HR employees, business owners, and benefit users) to organize and group the content.


I developed the layouts and a new high-fidelity prototype, using components I created and others already existing in Ticket’s Design System.


To make it clear which profile the person was accessing, I defined specific colors for each one.


With the screens ready, I prepared the test scripts and scheduled them. We managed to invite four clients from each profile. In the tests, we confirmed that the gateway facilitated navigation and that we could update some button and link texts to make them more intuitive.


Increase in organic traffic and decrease in CAC

With the gateway, we were able to segment customer profiles and present products in a more organized manner, focusing directly on their target audiences. With the new information structure, we managed to increase Ticket’s SEO score and ranking (collaborating with the performance team), boosting organic traffic from 13% to 33% of total platform visits. Additionally, we raised the SEO score from 27 to 97 (out of a maximum of 100). This improvement facilitated the exploration of new marketing strategies, specifically targeting different customer profiles with tailored content. All of these gains contributed to a 32% CAC reduction.

Higher Adoption Rate (H.E.A.R.T.)

We also observed an average increase of 27% in new customer acquisition, with 22% of these coming from organic traffic, proving that the new strategy is effective and has the potential to further decrease costs and increase product adoption by new customers.

Higher happiness rate (H.E.A.R.T.)

The new navigation and content were well received by Ticket’s customers. With specific homepages for each profile, we were able to increase satisfaction with the website from 3.1 (on a scale of 1 to 5) to 4.4, demonstrating a significant improvement, although there is still plenty of room for further enhancements and new studies.

Next steps

To understand which personas exist within each customer profile

The customer profiles we identified during this phase of the project and the products offered to each of them are complex and can be divided into different personas. For example: companies/HR can be divided by the number of employees, establishments by size or type of activity, and so on.

Understanding the main personas within each customer profile would be vital to evolving and developing Ticket’s products and understanding how to reach new customers efficiently and cost-effectively.

Improving the homepages and specific content for each profile

With the new personas for each profile, it would be beneficial to evolve the homepages for each, enhancing navigation and content, focusing on understanding how to present Ticket’s products and services more efficiently.

Continue improving the site's SEO

SEO is essential for a company of Ticket’s size, and the work couldn’t stop after this stage of the project. It would be necessary to continue investing and ensuring that Ticket maintains a good ranking. New pages and marketing strategies would need to be built with a focus on good performance.

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